Egyetlen este hétezer menekült érkezett Szerbiába

2015 augusztus 24., 11:51

Tovább nő a nyugat-balkáni útvonalon érkező menekültek száma. Miután szombaton a migránsok áttörtek a macedón-görög határon, vasárnap reggelre hétezer ember érkezett Szerbiába. A görög és macedón kormány eddigi hozzáállása nem változott: mindent megtenni annak érdekében, hogy a lehet legrövidebb időn belül tovább haladjanak a migránsok nyugat felé. A Törökországból az Égei-tengeren a görög szigetekre érkezett migránsok egyre többen vannak, akiket most egyszerre több komppal szállítottak át a szárazföldre, Athénba. Az ottani hatóságok a táborokban nem foglalkoznak a tömeggel, így a rossz körülmények miatt azonnal továbbindulnak Macedónia felé.

Bratislav Grasic szerb védelmi miniszter hétfőn még ötezer új menekültről számolt be, de az ENSZ Menekültügyi Főbiztossága szerint a valós szám hétezer körüli lehet. A szerb hatóságok hasonló számokat várnak a következő napokban is. Az újabb menekülthullám miatt a dél-szerbiai Presevo mellett Miratovac falunál új menekülttábort nyitottak még július végén. A táborban most is több ezren vannak, a Vöröskereszt szerint vasárnap hat-nyolcezer ember kérelmezte a menedékjogot. A legtöbben Szíriából, Irakból és Afganisztánból érkeztek.

Alekszander Vucic szerb miniszterelnök bejelentette, hogy szerdán Belgrádban is nyitnak egy ideiglenes befogadóközpontot, annyira túlterheltek a város parkjai.

Syrian migrants wait to board on the Eleftherios Venizelos ferry to be transported to mainland Greece on August 23, 2015 at the port of Mytilene, on Lesbos Island. AFP PHOTO / ACHILLEAS ZAVALLIS
photo_camera Szíriából érkezett menekültek Leszbosz szigetén várják az őket Athénba szállító kompot. AFP PHOTO / ACHILLEAS ZAVALLIS
Syrian migrants wait on a dock to board on the Eleftherios Venizelos ferry to be transported to mainland Greece on August 23, 2015 at the port of Mytilene, on Lesbos Island. Faced with what the bloc has called its worst refugee crisis since World War II, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande will hold talks in Berlin today in a bid to give a fresh impetus to the EU's response in dealing with the situation. AFP PHOTO / ACHILLEAS ZAVALLIS
Syrian migrants wait on a dock to board on the Eleftherios Venizelos ferry to be transported to mainland Greece on August 23, 2015 at the port of Mytilene, on Lesbos Island. Faced with what the bloc has called its worst refugee crisis since World War II, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande will hold talks in Berlin today in a bid to give a fresh impetus to the EU's response in dealing with the situation. AFP PHOTO / ACHILLEAS ZAVALLIS
Syrian migrants wait on a dock to board on the Eleftherios Venizelos ferry to be transported to mainland Greece on August 23, 2015 at the port of Mytilene, on Lesbos Island. Faced with what the bloc has called its worst refugee crisis since World War II, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande will hold talks in Berlin today in a bid to give a fresh impetus to the EU's response in dealing with the situation. AFP PHOTO / ACHILLEAS ZAVALLIS
GEVGELIA, MACEDONIA - AUGUST 23: Macedonian special police forces try to control the departure of migrants to board a train to reach the Serbian Macedonian border on August 23, 2015 in Gevgelia, Macedonia. Thousands of migrants and refugees have arrived on the border between Greece and Macedonia with many trying to travel through Macedonia to reach northern Europe. Macedonian security forces are expected to let several hundred migrants board trains towards Serbia and the rest of Europe. (Photo by Milos Bicanski/Getty Images)
photo_camera Menekültek a macedón-görög határon vasárnap. Az ideiglenes határzárat a helyi hatóságok feloldották. Milos Bicanski/Getty Images
GEVGELIA, MACEDONIA - AUGUST 23: Macedonian special police forces try to control the departure of migrants to board a train to reach the Serbian Macedonian border on August 23, 2015 in Gevgelia, Macedonia. Thousands of migrants and refugees have arrived on the border between Greece and Macedonia with many trying to travel through Macedonia to reach northern Europe. Macedonian security forces are expected to let several hundred migrants board trains towards Serbia and the rest of Europe. (Photo by Milos Bicanski/Getty Images)
photo_camera Macedón speciális rendőrségi alakulatok próbálnak rendet tartani a macedón-görög határon lévő Gevgelija vasútállomáson. Milos Bicanski/Getty Images
GEVGELIA, MACEDONIA - AUGUST 23: Macedonian special police forces try to control the departure of migrants to board a train to reach the Serbian Macedonian border on August 23, 2015 in Gevgelia, Macedonia. Thousands of migrants and refugees have arrived on the border between Greece and Macedonia with many trying to travel through Macedonia to reach northern Europe. Macedonian security forces are expected to let several hundred migrants board trains towards Serbia and the rest of Europe. (Photo by Milos Bicanski/Getty Images)
photo_camera Milos Bicanski/Getty Images
GEVGELIA, MACEDONIA - AUGUST 23: Macedonian special police forces control the departure of migrants to board a train to reach the Serbian Macedonian border on August 23, 2015 in Gevgelia, Macedonia. Thousands of migrants and refugees have arrived on the border between Greece and Macedonia with many trying to travel through Macedonia to reach northern Europe. Macedonian security forces are expected to let several hundred migrants board trains towards Serbia and the rest of Europe. (Photo by Milos Bicanski/Getty Images)
photo_camera Milos Bicanski/Getty Images
TOPSHOTS A member of the Macedonian police force and a migrant hold an injured boy during a clash between Macedonian police forces and migrant trying to cross an illegal crossing point on the border between Greece and Macedonia near the town of Gevgelija on August 22, 2015. Hundreds of mostly Syrian refugees forced their way over the Macedonian border today as police hurled stun grenades in a failed bid to stop them breaking through, an AFP reporter said. AFP  PHOTO / ROBERT ATANASOVSKI
Migrants wait at the new reception center near the town of Gevgelija, on the Macedonian-Greek border on August 23, 2015. The mass migration of more than 6,000 people, according to Red Cross figures, came after Macedonian police finally re-opened the border with Greece on August 22, allowing thousands to travel north towards Serbia in the next stage of their bid to enter the European Union. AFP PHOTO / ROBERT ATANASOVSKI
Migrants wait at the new reception center near the town of Gevgelija, on the Macedonian-Greek border on August 23, 2015. The mass migration of more than 6,000 people, according to Red Cross figures, came after Macedonian police finally re-opened the border with Greece on August 22, allowing thousands to travel north towards Serbia in the next stage of their bid to enter the European Union. AFP PHOTO / ROBERT ATANASOVSKI
TOPSHOTS Migrants arrive at a Macedonian railway station in Gevgelija on August 22, 2015. More than 1,500 mostly Syrian refugees, trapped in a no-man's land for three days, entered Macedonia from Greece, after police allowed them to pass despite earlier trying to hold back the crowd using stun grenades. AFP PHOTO/ ROBERT ATANASOVSKI
A woman carries a child in a stroller as migrants try to board a train to Serbia in the town of Gevgelija, on the Macedonian-Greek border, on August 23, 2015. More than 1,500 mostly Syrian refugees, trapped in a no-man's land for three days, entered Macedonia from Greece, after police allowed them to pass despite earlier trying to hold back the crowd using stun grenades. AFP PHOTO/ ROBERT ATANASOVSKI
Migrants wait to board a train to Serbia in the new reception center near the town of Gevgelija, on the Macedonian-Greek border on August 23, 2015. The mass migration of more than 6,000 people, according to Red Cross figures, came after Macedonian police finally re-opened the border with Greece on August 22, allowing thousands to travel north towards Serbia in the next stage of their bid to enter the European Union. AFP PHOTO / ROBERT ATANASOVSKI
photo_camera Migránsok érkeznek a mitrovaci táborba. AFP PHOTO/ARMEND NIMANI


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