Nem csökken a menekültek száma a balkáni útvonalon

2015 augusztus 12., 03:53

Nem csillapodik a menekülthullám a balkáni útvonalon. A Törökországból Görögországba, majd onnan Macedónián és Szerbián át Magyarországra tartók egyre többen vannak. A hétvégén a görög parti őrség 1417 menekültet mentett ki az Égei-tenger keleti részén fekvő szigetek partjainál. A migránsok Leszbosz, Kosz, Híosz, Szamosz és Agathoniszi szigeteket veszik célba, mikor elindulnak Törökországból. Az ENSZ szerint idén már 124 ezer menekült érkezett ezekre a szigetekre, a görög hatóságok 156 ezer főt mondanak. A kis szigetek a menekültáradattal nem tudnak megbirkózni. Alekszisz Ciprasz miniszterelnök szerint az ország infrastruktúrája képtelen kezelni a háború sújtotta Szíriából és Afganisztánból érkezők ezreinek problémáját. Ciprasz Brüsszeltől kért segítséget a helyzet kezeléséhez.

A migrant woman from Syria sits on a beach on the Greek island of Kos, after crossing a part of the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece, on August 10, 2015. The number of migrants and refugees arriving on Greece's shores has exploded this year, but the Mediterranean country provides virtually no reception facilities and leaves them wallowing in "totally shameful" conditions, a UN official said on August 7.  AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
photo_camera Egy Szíriából érkezett nő nézi az Égei-tengert Kosz szigetén. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
Migrants from Syria arrive on a beach on the Greek island of Kos, after crossing a part of the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece, on August 10, 2015. The number of migrants and refugees arriving on Greece's shores has exploded this year, but the Mediterranean country provides virtually no reception facilities and leaves them wallowing in "totally shameful" conditions, a UN official said on August 7.  AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
Migrants wait behind a fence to be registered by the police outside a police station on the island of Kos on August 10 , 2015. The number of migrants and refugees arriving on Greece's shores has exploded this year, but the Mediterranean country provides virtually no reception facilities and leaves them wallowing in "totally shameful" conditions, a UN official said on August 7. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
photo_camera Menekültek várakoznak Kosz rendőrkapitánysága előtt, hogy átessenek a görög regisztráción. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
People walk past tents of migrants set up in the street on the Greek island of Kos, on August 10 , 2015. The United Nations warned on August 7 that migrants landing in Greece were facing "shameful" conditions, with the crisis-hit country claiming it was unable to cope with the massive influx on its Aegean islands. Some 124,000 people, almost all of them fleeing war and persecution in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, have come ashore since the beginning of the year -- a 750-percent increase from the same period last year. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
Afghan migrants wash up near a deserted hotel, where hundreds of migrants have found temporary shelter, on the Greek island Kos on August 10, 2015. The number of migrants and refugees arriving on Greece's shores has exploded this year, but the Mediterranean country provides virtually no reception facilities and leaves them wallowing in "totally shameful" conditions, a UN official said on August 7. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
photo_camera Afgán menekültek egy elhagyott hotel területén Koszon. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
A migrant sleeps inside a tent in a park in central Athens on August 7, 2015, where migrants have found temporary shelter after arriving from Greek islands. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on August 7 said a huge influx of migrants and refugees "surpassed" his debt-hit country's abilities as he announced a raft of measures and asked for EU help to handle the crisis A new housing centre will soon be completed near the Athens centre to relocate hundreds of migrants currently sleeping in one of the capital's parks, Tsipras added. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
photo_camera Egy menekült alszik sátrában Athén egyik parkjában. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
A migrant sleeps in a park in central Athens on August 7, 2015, where migrants have found temporary shelter after arriving from Greek islands. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on August 7 said a huge influx of migrants and refugees "surpassed" his debt-hit country's abilities as he announced a raft of measures and asked for EU help to handle the crisis A new housing centre will soon be completed near the Athens centre to relocate hundreds of migrants currently sleeping in one of the capital's parks, Tsipras added. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
Migrants clean their clothes in a park in central Athens on August 7, 2015, where they have found temporary shelter after arriving from Greek islands. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on August 7 said a huge influx of migrants and refugees "surpassed" his debt-hit country's abilities as he announced a raft of measures and asked for EU help to handle the crisis A new housing centre will soon be completed near the Athens centre to relocate hundreds of migrants currently sleeping in one of the capital's parks, Tsipras added. AFP PHOTO / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS
A man holds a child's hand as a group of migrants walks on train tracks toward the Macedonian town of Gevgelija on August 10, 2015, from where they hope to catch trains heading to the border with Serbia. Non-EU Serbia's frontier with Hungary, which is in the bloc's passport-free Schengen zone, has become a major crossing point for the huge numbers of migrants entering the EU. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF
photo_camera Egy férfi sétál gyerekeivel a macedón határváros Gevgelija vasútállomására. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF
Migrants wait on the Macedonian-Greek border near the town of Gevgelija, on August 10, 2015, where they hope to catch trains heading to the border with Serbia. Non-EU Serbia's border with Hungary, which is in the bloc's passport-free Schengen zone, has become a major crossing point for the huge numbers of migrants entering the EU. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF
photo_camera Menekültek a macedón-görög határon. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF
Migrants crowd around a ticket counter at the train station of Gevgelija, on the Macedonian-Greek border, as they try to buy tickets for a train heading to the border with Serbia on August 9, 2015. Non-EU Serbia's frontier with Hungary, which is in the bloc's passport-free Schengen zone, has become a major crossing point for the huge numbers of migrants entering the EU. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF
photo_camera Vonatjegyért tülekedők Gevgelija állomásán. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF
A man holds up his child as he tries with other migrants to get onto a train heading to the border with Serbia at the train station of Gevgelija, on the Macedonian-Greek border, on August 9, 2015. Non-EU Serbia's frontier with Hungary, which is in the bloc's passport-free Schengen zone, has become a major crossing point for the huge numbers of migrants entering the EU. AFP PHOTO / DIMITAR DILKOFF


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Hosszas mérlegelés és a lehetőségeink alapos vizsgálata után úgy döntöttünk, hogy a jövőben a közösségépítés más útjait támogatjuk, és a cikkek alatti kommentelés lehetőségét megszüntetjük. Közösség és Belső kör csomaggal rendelkező előfizetőinket továbbra is várjuk zárt Facebook csoportunkba, a Közértbe, ahol hozzászólhatnak a cikkeinkhez, és kérdezhetnek a szerzőinktől is.