Négy nappal a földrengés után még mindig drámai a helyzet Nepálban

2015 április 29., 09:27
  • Ötezer fölé emelkedett a szombati nepáli földrengésben elhunytak száma. A sérültek több mint tízezren vannak.
  • A miniszterelnök tegnap azt mondta, hogy tízezret is elérheti a halottak száma, mert több hegyi faluról még mindig nem tudnak semmit.
  • Komoly gond az országban a víz és az élelmiszer hiánya.
  • Kedden és szerda reggel is ezrek próbálták meg elhagyni a fővárost, Katmandut, hogy visszatérjenek vidéki otthonaikba. A kormányzat ingyen buszokat ígért a tömegnek.
  • A rendőrök 27 fosztogatót fogtak el a napokban.
  • Szerdán már kinyitott a katmandui piac, ahova a héten először friss áru is érkezett.
  • A túraszervező cégek szerint már senki sincsen a Mount Everest nepáli oldalán.
  • Több hegyi falut még nem sikerült elérni, mert olyan súlyosan megsérültek utak, hogy még mindig tart a megtisztításuk. A munkához a hadsereget is bevetették.
  • Tízezrek éjszakáznak a szabad ég alatt Nepálban.
  • Katmanduban volt férfi, akit a földrengés után 80 órával mentettek ki élve egy összedőlt ház alól.
  • A fővárosban dolgozó külföldi mentőcsapatok eddig tizennégy embert találtak meg élve.
Rescuers from Japan are seen in the historical centre of Kathmandu on April 29, 2015, following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake which struck the Himalayan nation on April 25.  Rescuers are facing a race against time  to find survivors of a mammoth earthquake that killed more than 5,000 people when it through Nepal five days ago and devastated large parts of one of Asia's poorest nations.  AFP PHOTO/Philippe LOPEZ
photo_camera Japán mentőcsapat Katmandu központjában. AFP PHOTO/Philippe LOPEZ

A Nepalese family  search for belongings amidst rubble at the heritage town of Bhaktapur on April 29, 2015, following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake which struck the Himalayan nation on April 25. Rescuers are facing a race against time to find survivors of a mammoth earthquake that killed more than 5,000 people when it tore through Nepal five days ago and devastated large parts of one of Asia's poorest nations.   AFP PHOTO / MANAN VATSYAYANA
photo_camera Egy család menti értékeit megsérült otthonukból Bhaktapurban. AFP PHOTO / MANAN VATSYAYANA

LALITPUR, NEPAL - APRIL 28:  Volunteers and quake rescue team members clear the debris from a collapsed temple near Patan Durbar Square on April 28, 2015 in Lalitpur, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving thousands dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. Regular aftershocks have hampered recovery missions as locals, officials and aid workers attempt LALITPUR, NEPAL - APRIL 28:  Volunteers and quake rescue team members clear the debris from a collapsed temple near Patan Durbar Square on April 28, 2015 in Lalitpur, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving thousands dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. Regular aftershocks have hampered recovery missions as locals, officials and aid workers attempt to recover bodies from the rubble.  (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)to recover bodies from the rubble.  (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)
photo_camera Önkéntesek tisztítanak meg a törmelékektől egy templomot Lalitpurban. Fotó: Omar Havana/Getty Images

KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 28:  Residents line up to get food at one of the temporary street shelters near Basantapur Durbar Square on April 28, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving thousands dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. Regular aftershocks have hampered recovery missions as locals, officials and aid workers attempt to recover bodies from the rubble.  (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)
photo_camera Ételosztáson sorbanállók a fővárosban. Fotó: Omar Havana/Getty Images

LALITPUR, NEPAL - APRIL 28:  Remains of a collapsed temple in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Patan Durbar Square on April 28, 2015 in Lalitpur, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving thousands dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. Regular aftershocks have hampered recovery missions as locals, officials and aid workers attempt to recover bodies from the rubble.  (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)
photo_camera Az UNESCO világörökségek listáján szereplő templom romjai Lalitpurban, a Dhabar téren. Fotó: Omar Havana/Getty Images

An earthquake survivor gets water at a shelter camp in Kathmandu on April 29, 2015, following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake which struck the Himalayan nation on April 25.  Rescuers are facing a race against time  to find survivors of a mammoth earthquake that killed more than 5,000 people when it through Nepal five days ago and devastated large parts of one of Asia's poorest nations.  AFP PHOTO / Philippe Lopez
photo_camera Vízosztás egy ideiglenes sátortáborban Katmanduban. AFP PHOTO / Philippe Lopez

A Nepalese woman walks amidts rubble at the heritage town of Bhaktapur on April 29, 2015, following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake which struck the Himalayan nation on April 25. Rescuers are facing a race against time to find survivors of a mammoth earthquake that killed more than 5,000 people when it tore through Nepal five days ago and devastated large parts of one of Asia's poorest nations.   AFP PHOTO / MANAN VATSYAYANA
photo_camera Bhaktapur. AFP PHOTO / MANAN VATSYAYANA

KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 28:  A volunteer treats a wound on a young man in one the temporary street shelters near Basantapur Durbar Square on April 28, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving thousands dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. Regular aftershocks have hampered recovery missions as locals, officials and aid workers attempt to recover bodies from the rubble.  (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)
photo_camera A főváros több pontján is önkéntesek működtetnek elsősegélyt nyújtó sátrakat. Fotó: Omar Havana/Getty Images

KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 28: Tents are seen setup in open space away from buildings as many people fear aftershocks on April 28, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving thousands dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. Regular aftershocks have hampered recovery missions as locals, officials and aid workers attempt to recover bodies from the rubble.  (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
photo_camera Katmandu. Fotó: Chris McGrath/Getty Images

KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 28:  Unidentified bodies lay on the ground of the Bir Hospital on April 28, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving thousands dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. Regular aftershocks have hampered recovery missions as locals, officials and aid workers attempt to recover bodies from the rubble.  (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)
photo_camera Azonosítatlan holttestek a fővárosi Bir Kórház udvarán. Fotó: Omar Havana/Getty Images

KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 28:  Volunteers and quake emergency team members shine a flashlight on a body discovered under the debris of one of the collapsed UNESCO World Heritage site temples in Basantapur Durbar Square on April 28, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving thousands dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. Regular aftershocks have hampered recovery missions as locals, officials and aid workers attempt to recover bodies from the rubble.  (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images)
photo_camera Túlélőt keresnek egy összedőlt ház romjai közt Katmanduban. Fotó: Omar Havana/Getty Images

Residents look for their belongings among the rubble of their destroyed homes in Sankhu on the outskirts of the Nepalese capital Kathmandu on April 29, 2015. Rescuers are facing a race against time  to find survivors of a mammoth earthquake that killed more than 5,000 people when it through Nepal five days ago and devastated large parts of one of Asia's poorest nations. AFP PHOTO / Nicolas ASFOURI
photo_camera A főváros mellett Sankhuban gyűjtik össze a megmaradt értékeket a romok közül. AFP PHOTO / Nicolas ASFOURI

KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 28: Nepalese victims of the earthquake sleep under their makeshift at Tunshikel park on April 28, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving thousands dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. Regular aftershocks have hampered recovery missions as locals, officials and aid workers attempt to recover bodies from the rubble.  (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)
photo_camera Sátortábor a Tunshikel Parkban, a fővárosban. Fotó: David Ramos/Getty Images


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