Ennyit ér a kerítés: Horgosnál a síneken akadálytalanul át lehet sétálni

2015 augusztus 25., 07:38
  • Helyszíni beszámolók szerint akadálytalanul lehet átkelni a szerb-magyar határon Horgosnál, a vasúti síneken.
  • A MÁV kérdésünkre válaszolva elmondta, hogy a Horgos–Röszke vonalszakasz gyengeforgalmú mellékvonal, a mozdonyvezetőket írásban figyelmezették, hogy fokozott figyelemmel való közlekedjenek.
  • A Délmagyar.hu szerint reggelig ezren érkeztek ezen az útvonalon. Ez a tömeg már azok lehetnek, akik vasárnapra virradóra érkeztek Szerbiába. Őket korábban a macedón-görög határon tartóztatták fel.
  • Szerbiába vasárnap reggelig hétezer menekültet regisztráltak. Egyes hírek szerint a szerb hatóságok szervezetten szállítják őket a zöldhatárra.
A migrant family walk between the rails near the border village Asotthalom, at the Hungarian-Serbian border on August 24, 2015 as the metal fence was cut by migrants. At least 2,000 more migrants flooded overnight into Serbia in a desperate journey to try and go on to Hungary, the door into the European Union, a UN official said on August 24, 2015. AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI
A migrant family walk between the rails near the border village Asotthalom, at the Hungarian-Serbian border on August 24, 2015 as the metal fence was cut by migrants. At least 2,000 more migrants flooded overnight into Serbia in a desperate journey to try and go on to Hungary, the door into the European Union, a UN official said on August 24, 2015. AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI
A migrant family walk between the rails near the border village Asotthalom, at the Hungarian-Serbian border on August 24, 2015 as the metal fence was cut by migrants. At least 2,000 more migrants flooded overnight into Serbia in a desperate journey to try and go on to Hungary, the door into the European Union, a UN official said on August 24, 2015. AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI
A migrant family walk between the rails near the border village Asotthalom, at the Hungarian-Serbian border on August 24, 2015 as the metal fence was cut by migrants. At least 2,000 more migrants flooded overnight into Serbia in a desperate journey to try and go on to Hungary, the door into the European Union, a UN official said on August 24, 2015. AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI
As a Hungarian police official stands guard, migrants walk between the rails near the border village Roszke, at the Hungarian-Serbian border on August 23, 2015. At least 2,000 more migrants flooded overnight into Serbia in a desperate journey to try and go on to Hungary, the door into the European Union, a UN official said on August 24. At least 7,000 people -- mostly refugees from the brutal war in Syria -- have been registered so far in the last days in overwhelmed Serbia as Europe's worst refugee crisis in half a century rapidly worsens.  AFP PHOTO / CSABA SEGESVARI
MTI Fotó: Ujvári Sándor
photo_camera MTI Fotó: Ujvári Sándor
MTI Fotó: Ujvári Sándor
photo_camera MTI Fotó: Ujvári Sándor
MTI Fotó: Ujvári Sándor
photo_camera MTI Fotó: Ujvári Sándor


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